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The Merlion is a mythical creature and an iconic symbol of Singapore. It combines the head of a lion with the body of a fish, representing the historical roots of Singapore as a fishing village and its transformation into a modern metropolis. Here is some more information about the Merlion:

Origin and Meaning:
The concept of the Merlion was created in 1964 by the Singapore Tourism Board as a symbol to promote Singapore as a tourist destination. The name "Merlion" is a combination of the words "mer" (meaning sea) and "lion," highlighting Singapore's maritime heritage and the lion's representation of strength and courage.

Merlion Park:
The most famous and prominent Merlion statue is located at Merlion Park, situated near the Marina Bay waterfront, providing a picturesque view of the city skyline. The statue stands at approximately 8.6 meters (28 feet) tall and weighs about 70 tons. It is a popular tourist attraction and a must-visit spot for visitors to take photos with this iconic symbol in the background.

Merlion Cub:
In 2002, a smaller statue called the "Merlion Cub" was installed near the original Merlion. This smaller version depicts a baby Merlion spouting water into the river, and it adds to the charm of Merlion Park.

Merlion Representations:
Apart from the iconic statues, the Merlion is also featured on various souvenirs, logos, and promotional materials, symbolizing Singapore's identity and representing its welcoming spirit to visitors.

The Merlion holds special significance as a symbol of Singapore's cultural heritage and progress. It embodies the country's transformation from a humble fishing village into a global financial hub and a vibrant city-state.

Night Lighting:
At night, the Merlion statue at Merlion Park is beautifully illuminated, adding to the allure and making it a popular spot for evening strolls and photography.

Overall, the Merlion stands as a powerful and captivating symbol of Singapore, representing its past, present, and future. Visitors and locals alike are drawn to this iconic creature, making it an integral part of Singapore's cultural and tourism identity.
