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Wat Chong Klang

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"Wat Chong Kham" and "Wat Chong Klang" represent a harmonious pair of sibling temples nestled within the same enclosure, symbolizing the rich Thai Yai culture. Beyond their captivating artistic allure, both temples serve as cultural and traditional hubs for the community of Mae Hong Son. The front expanse transforms into the public garden known as Nong Chong Kham, hosting diverse ceremonial and cultural events rooted in various traditions.

Constructed in 1827 by Tai Yai artisans along the banks of the Nong Chong Kham swamp, Wat Chong Kham derives its name from its pillars adorned with gilded gold leaves. The temple showcases the distinctive Tai Yai artistry, featuring a castle-shaped roof, a reflection of the belief that it resembles a monarch's residence or a sacred representative's abode. Inside, the temple houses a colossal Buddha statue, Luang Por To, boasting a lap width of 4.85 meters, skillfully crafted by Burmese artisans. Additionally, a Buddha statue replicating Phra Si Sakyamuni (Luang Pho To) from Wat Suthat in Bangkok is also enshrined within its walls.

Wat Chong Klang, on the other hand, serves as the home to a replica of the gilded brass Phra Phuttha Sihing, prominently displayed on an altar. Intricately adorned glass plates depict the Vessantara Jataka and the Buddha's history, offering glimpses into the daily lives of people during that era. Many of these images bear Burmese captions, attributed to the craftsmanship of a skilled Tai Yai artisan from Mandalay.

Beyond its religious significance, Wat Chong Klang accommodates a museum showcasing wooden figurines of both humans and animals, transported from Burma in 1857. The temples are open daily from 8:00 to 18:00, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the historical and cultural tapestry woven within their sacred walls.
